Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Introducing the Water Clan of Crystal Clans

An art preview for the Water Clan

In today's Crystal Clans preview, we wrap up our art previews. Starting next week, we'll begin to take a look at how Crystal Clans plays! When we first experienced Andrea's prototype, we could sense it was something special. We've been working hard to make this game the best it can be and we think gamers will love the final result!

Previous previews include the Meteor Clan, the Skull Clan, the Flower Clan, the Blood Clan, and the Stone Clan.  This week I give you the Water Clan.

The above is Harlow Tidebringer, a hero unit in the Water Clan.  The Water Clan is a wealthy culture that has long sought out the world’s most talented minds and brought them into its society.  The Water Clan’s adaptability is its greatest strength. 

Here is another sketch board from the amazing Martin Abel.

Water Clan concepts

This is it!  The first 6 Clans to be included in the Crystal Clans Master Set.  Next week we'll begin to draw back the curtain on how the game plays! We can't wait to show you more about Crystal Clans.

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