Introducing the Flower Clan of Crystal Clans
An art preview for the Flower Clan
Welcome to the latest art preview for Crystal Clans! With Summoner Wars, Ashes, and Tail Feathers, Plaid Hat Games has a proven track record of top-tier 2-player games where asymmetric forces fight head-on. Crystal Clans follows in that tradition, providing a rich imagined world with clans that can't be pigeon-holed into fantasy tropes but instead blaze their own trails.
We've already introduced you to the Meteor Clan and the Skull Clan. This week, I give you the Flower Clan.
The above is a Wisp, a hero unit in the Flower Clan. Members of the Flower Clan are reluctant to resort to violence. They seek peace and tranquility. Their ability to calm the wrath of their opponents and seek peaceful paths to victory is their greatest strength.
Here is another sketch board from the amazing Martin Abel. (Click the image for a full view.)
See you next week!