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Summoner Wars Second Edition: The Sand Goblins

Base Game required to play
SKU PH3607
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45-60 minutes

Rev your engines as the Sand Goblins roar into the fray for Itharia! Summoner Krusk has supercharged the inventions of his mischievous tinkerers with the power of his summoning stone. Deploy your devious machines to the battlefield, then customize them on the fly to suit your desires!

This is a brand new ready-to-play faction deck! Units can be used to deck-build the ultimate faction.

*Master or Starter Set required to play


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Game Design:  Colby Dauch
Artists:  Martin Abel, Madison Johnson


1 Krusk - Summoner

1 Uncle Sparks - Champion

1 Silts - Champion

1 Clink - Champion

5 Bust Rider - Common

5 Wrench Rat - Common

4 Bug Biter - Common

4 Sand Scavenger - Common

2 Detonate - Epic Event

2 Turret Upgrade - Event

2 Mortar Upgrade - Event

2 Thruster Upgrade - Event

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