Crystal Clans Preview: Reap What You Sow
Check out our first preview of the Leaf Clan!
Welcome back to another Crystal Clans preview! If you haven’t been following the previews, be sure to check out Fang and Shadow, and, as of eariler this week, Feather Clan! Today, we’ll be taking a look at the fourth of these clans now available for preorder: Leaf Clan. Where Feather Clan is quick to move across the battlefield, the Leaf Clan plants their roots and asks the question, “Why bother moving at all?" Let's take a closer look at Sown Cards!
Sown Cards
Leaf Clan actually introduces a new concept to the world of Crystal Clans: the Sown Cards! While it’s a pretty simple concept to leave some cards face-down on the battlefield, Leaf Clan keeps things interesting by giving you a variety of ways to make use of this extra rule.
Growing Strong
The easiest way to generate a sown card on the battlefield is when a unit with Regrow is destroyed. This will give Leaf Clan players the benefit of summoning point for other units with Regrow, even in a crystal zone or in your opponent’s home zone.
Sometimes, however, you don’t want to sacrifice your sown cards for a summoning action. Each sapling gains strength based on the number of sown cards in its zone. And if that sapling doesn’t survive, it just adds to the Sown pile, making the next sapling to come along even stronger.
Clawkin Shifters
Sown cards aren’t just limited to units with Regrow, though. Clawkin Shifters take an enemy unit destroyed in battle and bury them in the battlefield ground. Through their battle card effect, they can even sow Leaf Clan units that do not possess the Regrow ability. But why would you want to bury an enemy unit?
The Dryaduns
Quite simply, because The Dryaduns can summon those units to join their squad. It’s an easy way to take control that one annoying unit that your opponent loves to use. Plan carefully, though. If you want to make use of Harvest, you can’t use Regrow to summon The Dryaduns to that zone, since that will cause the Sown cards to be discarded.
For those times where you want to move across the board, but don’t want to give up the sown cards you’ve been building, or when you need to move an entire squad quickly, there’s Nature Walk. Opponents in zones containing sown cards are generally bracing for a single Leaf unit to appear, so this is a great way to catch your opponent off-guard and instantly gain the upper limb in a battle.
Our next Leaf Clan preview will include one of the absolute best abilities in Crystal Clans. But you’ll need to be patient for that. Next week, we’re looping back to the other units in Feather Clan to learn more about the rest of their deck. Thanks for reading!