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Stuffed Fables: Introducing Theadora

Resourceful Adventurer, Capable Leader

Stuffed Fables

“Oh, I don’t like this at all,” squealed Lumpy. “We’re lost and it’s cold and dark.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Theadora said sternly. “Think of our poor little girl, who is also in the dark and who is also feeling cold.” 

Hello everyone, and welcome to our first preview for Stuffed Fables! Periodically, we will be picking a character from the game and turning the spotlight on them. The first stuffy in our lineup is the brave-hearted Theadora Stuffins.

Introducing Theadora

Theadora,or Thea for short, is special because she does so much to ease her little girl’s fears at night. The girl has selected Thea to be the stuffy she snuggles when she slumbers, which is a terrific honor that Thea does not take for granted.

Each stuffy hero in Stuffed Fables represents a different expression of their little girl’s personality.  Thea represents the girl’s judgement and her self confidence. While Thea might still be learning about her role, she is also unwittingly providing leadership and encouragement to her fellow stuffies.

Resourceful Adventurer, Capable Leader  


Theadora’s best quality is her versatility. Once per turn, she can swap any one of her attribute dice for one of another color in the discard pool. This is a pretty powerful tool she can use to get the right dice when they are needed!

Each stuffy also has 3 earned abilities. Earned abilities require hearts to activate. Hearts are gained by performing good deeds during your adventures.

Theadora’s earned abilities are:

  • Resourcefulness: Use this to help other stuffies get a second chance at a bad roll.
  • Persevere: Help other stuffies overcome the various negative effects that can limit their effectiveness.
  • Words of Motivation: Use this ability when another player draws a suboptimal hand of dice from the bag.

Theadora enhances the effectiveness of the whole team by providing second chances and versatility. Players who thrive on cooperation will enjoy playing this adorable but tough, stuffy leader!


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