Announcing Ashes Deluxe Expansions!
The Laws of Lions and The Song of Soaksend!
Well hello, everyone!
I know, I know, I KNOW it has been forever! Sorry to everyone that has been upset about the silence. Believe me, we didn’t want to keep quiet this long, but in order to get things figured out we had to keep details internal for a while.
We have been working with our new parent company - Asmodee - to bring you some new amazing stuff in the Ashes line. The transition has been going great! They have been so awesome and helpful throughout this shift. Everything that we have been doing is really helping to make Plaid Hat Games better, and we couldn’t be happier!
Fan: Enough of the Plaid Hat Asmodee romance… where are my cards!?
Ok, ok! Without further ado, here is what we can announce at this time:
Odette and Namine!

The next two expansions for Ashes are “The Laws of Lions” and “The Song of Soaksend”.
The Law of Lions
She is the commander of the pride, the follower of the path, the righteous judge and the merciful servant. She emboldens the virtuous and strikes fear in the heart of the transgressor. She is Odette Diamondcrest. Her quill wrote Lordswall’s law. Her sword protected its gate. Her word sent forth its crusaders. She will see the world restored to divine order.
The Song of Soaksend
An ancient song binds its silvery strings to every living soul. Namine adds her voice to this unending melody. She plays the strings and subtly alters the song to her will. She changes the tempo from a calm wind to a crashing storm. She and the people of Soaksend know this song and live serenely within its melody. Woe unto those that cannot hear its beauty.
These two sets are Deluxe Expansion Sets. That means two things:
First… NEW DICE!
Divine & Sympathy Magic
These two Deluxe Expansion Sets are slated for release in late spring / early summer. As we have done before, we will begin to preview the cards and dice abilities closer to release date, so stay tuned for those announcements in the near future.
Fan: But Isaac! Isaac! That is waaaay too far away! What am I supposed to do in the mean time?
The War Within
Play, you wonderful people, Play! Together with Asmodee, we have put together an event that will release next month. This event is called, “The War Within”. Through a series of tournaments hosted by local game stores, players will have the opprotunity to determine the looks and abilites of an unnamed Phoenixborn. The “War Within” event is meant to represent her internal struggle, and how she wants to approach the war that she must soon be a part of.
Which path will she choose?
We'll have more information soon on this event, as well as how stores and players can participate.
Fan: But Isaac! Isaac! I want more!
Ashes Organized Play Kit 2
And more is what you will get, you crazy kids! The next OP kit will release alongside “The Law of Lions” and “The Song of Soaksend”. This OP kit will contain enough prize support for four tournaments! I would love to show you everything but I need to save some stuff to get you all excited later! But until then I will give you some sweet Power Puff Hammer Knights!
And yes don’t worry, this kit will include the alt-art Enchanted Violinist we promised.
Fan: Isaac, alt arts are cool but what about more cards? I want more cards!!!!!!!!!!
More, you say? Well, it has been a while. But we've already shown so much! Well, if you insist! Check back here later this week on Wednesday, March 1st for ANOTHER FULL SIZE ANNOUNCMENT of Upcoming Ashes Goodness as well as more information on "The War Within!" How about some prize support previews? Maybe some preorder bonuses? Still not excited enough? Fine, fine! We'll even announce a few BRAND NEW DECKS! Are you happy now? Are you not entertained?!
As we move further into the year we will have more events, products, and Ashes-related stuff to talk about. We at Plaid Hat Games, with the help of Asmodee, are committed to doing everything we can to make Ashes a strong and healthy community supported game. Thank you to all of you that have stuck with us though this dry spell. And please know that we are paying attention and listening to your concerns. It takes some time to discuss these concerns internally and figure out a game plan to tackle such problems as best we can. We promise to keep striving to improve and hope to do amazing in 2017, as well as follow it up with even more stellar years to come!
Love you all! Thanks for playing!
Isaac Vega,
Designer of Ashes
VP of Development,
Plaid Hat Games