Fungal Dwarves Preview #4
The Champion Units
Welcome back summoners! The champions of the Fungal Dwarves are here at last, rounding out our previews for this faction.
Maldar is Kuldak’s right hand man, providing a very cost-effective source of fungal boosts. Keep him around at the core of your formations to ensure as many Spore Carriers evolve into Fungal Beasts!
Thoon is another unit happy to collect boost from the inevitable destruction of allies. He is a true heavy hitter when deployed at the climax of battle, so be sure to have the magic saved up for him when the time calls.
There are rumors echoing from the fungal caverns that only the most determined and radicalized Fungal Beasts have the ability to evolve one step further into a true Monstrosity. Nobody has seen it done before, or at least lived to tell the tale.
That’s all for the Fungal Dwarves! Be sure to check out the previews for the Eternal Council, releasing alongside this faction next. Take care, and happy summoning!