The Eternal Council Preview #1
Citadel Advisor and Enigma Sage
Welcome back, summoners! We have recently announced the Eternal Council, an elite scholarly faction led by Praefectus Edia who has the power to prolong her most studied spells and even copy those from other summoners! Let’s dive into the common units studying underneath her.
The Citadel Advisor has traveled from the land of the Vanguards to complete a study-abroad semester with Edia, and is quite the teacher’s pet. The Advisor can help provide Edia with key pieces of information, as well as give her cover in the midst of battle.
The Enigma Sage is another unit that can take advantage of extra card draw with the new ‘bottomdecking’ mechanic in this deck. The Sage can use its ability to both curate your hand and apply some additional damage to close targets.
Tomorrow, we continue Summoner Wars previews as we share the other pair of commons of the Eternal Council!