Tundra Orcs Revealed!
Tundra Fighter and Smasher
Welcome back summoners! Today we’ll take a look at some melee forces of the Tundra Orcs.
The iconic Tundra Fighter makes its return with the signature Frenzy ability. The Tundra Orcs are all about making risky attacks and taking chances at glory. Frenzy offers the chance for Fighters to go on a hot streak of attacks across the board if the dice go their way (a nudge from Grognack can help too)!
Smashers are one of the strongest common units in the game, boasting an attack strength equal to that of Grognack himself! Even with Sluggish making them more susceptible to counter attacks, by the time a Smasher falls in battle, they will surely have left their mark.
Stay tuned for more Summoner Wars previews!

Under all those muscles is a heart of gold. Just like me.

It's like staring in a mirror.

I'm so ripped.