Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Replacement Parts and Customer Service

Clarifying our Policies


As we announced previously, we are now an independent studio and no longer owned by Asmodee.  However, Asmodee will be maintaining ownership of some of our past titles. Additionally, Asmodee recently announced some changes to their policies regarding replacement parts for games.  With all of this change going on, we felt it best to clarify what Plaid Hat's replacement part policy will be going forward.

Plaid Hat Games will replace any missing, misprinted, defective or broken game pieces from any of our current games that were purchased new.  (We cannot account for the condition of games purchased second-hand.) There is a link to our replacement part request form at the bottom of this article as well as on our About Us page and on the support tab of our current game pages on this website.

The following titles stayed with Asmodee: Dead of Winter, Raxxon, Mice and Mystics, Aftermath, Stuffed Fables and Battlelands. Dead of Winter and Raxxon will now be published and supported by Fantasy Flight Games.  Their customer service information can be found here. All of the other aforementioned titles will be published and supported by Z-Man games. Their customer service information can be found here.

Additionally we would like to note that there are several titles of ours that no longer fall into the 'current' category.  Because these games have been out of print for some time, we no longer have a supply of replacement parts for them available. That list includes: Summoner Wars, Dungeon Run, Video Game High School, Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia and City of Remnants.

Our relationships with our customers is very important to us.  Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have. For any customer service inquiry we can be reached by email at [email protected].

Please click here to request replacement parts.

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