Note: This is an archived news article. The information and links are likely out of date.

Event Report: The Long Night Zombie Party


Greetings, Survivors!

To celebrate the release of “Dead of Winter: The Long Night,” some gamers in the Philippines decided to host a special event for fans of the game! On August 5th, upwards of 60 participants gathered at Dyce N Dyne, a local Board Game Bar & Café, to participate in the Zombie-themed festivities to celebrate the release of our newest Crossroads game! The event was organized in association with Gaming Library.

The staff of Dyce N Dyne certainly know the value of properly fortifying their location to defend against the Undead (No doubt from playing Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game and constructing plenty of Barricade tokens!) The Staff boarded up the windows and doors to protect their participants in case of zombie attack. Despite their best efforts, it looks like a few Zombies made it through (Although by all accounts they were polite and cordial, and seemed more interested in serving delicious food and drinks to the survivors than devouring them!)

"Survivors playing behind the barricades and being served by Zombie staff members"

Luckily, there were remnants of the military on site to help survivors combat the undead servers and bartenders! It’s a good thing too, because these military officials were also able to assist in demoing “Dead of Winter: The Long Night” from 7 PM until 5 AM! Together, the survivors played over a dozen games with new faces and seasoned players alike! Talk about a “Long Night!” Luckily, the survivors had plenty of Zomoxtrin in hand to get them through it all! Remember, Zomoxtrin is the perfect cure-all for whatever ailments you face! “Zomoxtrin: Say Hello to a Better you, Today!”

"The military was present to keep an eye on things and make sure there was plenty of Zomoxtrin for everyone" 

With such an ambitious event, Raxxon felt it would be best to deploy some more experienced survivors to event to help out with preparations for the Long Night. Mike Cho, Hugo Valentine and even Blue the Monkey showed up to lend a hand and show newcomers the ropes. Oh, no! Who Let Forest Plum in?!

"Mike Cho, Hugo Valentine, Forest Plum and Blue all made appearances!" 

With all sorts of decorations and activates, the staff of Gaming Library and Dyce N Dyne truly went above and beyond to provide an amazing experience for fans of Dead of Winter! Thanks so much to Gaming Library and Dyce N Dyne for hosting this event! We’re excited to see what they think up for their next Plaid Hat Games event! Dead of Winter: The Long Night will be available again for order on August 23th! Be sure to order your copy soon!

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