Summoner Wars Digital: SIX NEW FACTIONS!
Play the whole Master Set, plus Mercs and Swamp Orcs!!
As I played a late-night game of Dead of Winter (everyone won, yay!) my phone buzzed a few times. But as a dedicated, focused gamer, I ignored it. After my friends left and I headted toward bed at midnight, I finally glance at my phone...
Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy. And only $3.99 for all six with reinforcements!!
The app was released on iOS in the summer of 2012, with eight factions. In the summer of 2013, the Mountain Vargath and Benders joined the fight. The following summer, Android users got their version. And now this summer, SIX new factions, completing the round of original summoners. There are now 16 factions, along with reinforcements and mercenaries to deckbuild with!
For those who have played the app but not the physical version, here's what you're getting:
- Shadow Elves: Selundar relies on speed and surprise, getting up in your face.
- Sand Goblins: Krusk and his band of survivors are efficiently priced and use the power of the sandstorms.
- Deep Dwarves: Tundle's crew features units with amazing but expensive abilities--but Tundle himself generates magic!
- Swamp Orcs: Thanks to their summoner Mugglug, the Swamp Orcs grow in power as their swamp grows for every unit that dies.
- The Filth: The Demagogue transforms his weak commons into vile but powerful tools.
- Mercenaries: Rallul is all abou the walls--moving them, tearing them down, and using them for even more nefarious purposes.
Only 3.99?? What a deal! Head to the iOS app store or the Google Play store immediately and support Playdek's amazing product by purchasing the new factions today!