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Presenting the Mice & Mystics Painting Guide

Jump into the world of painting minis with Jerry's tutorial

Painted Minis

One thing I have known from the start, is that I wanted to paint my entire set of Mice & Mystics figures as soon as I actually got my copy of the game. Having painted miniatures since I was a teenager, it would be a shame for me to pass up the once-in-a-lifetime chance to paint the figures for my own game. Figures that were sculpted by my pal Chad Hoverter!

So as soon as I arrived back home after Gencon, I set about getting this painting project up and running. Some people expressed interest in a tutorial, so I decided to take photos along the way, hoping that others may find it helpful. The information I present in this painting guide is intended for those who might not have ever painted miniatures, or are minimally experienced.

Click here to download the Mice and Mystics painting guide!

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